Cotton Candy Machine
Cotton Candy Machine
electric motor, battery, (2)orange juice lids, sugar, wire, small piece of wood, electric clip, connector,( found in Homedepots)
Tools: drill, groove plier,knife
electric motor, battery, (2)orange juice lids, sugar, wire, small piece of wood, electric clip, connector,( found in Homedepots)
Tools: drill, groove plier,knife
Orange Juice Lids
find two orange juice lids, clean the inside and outside with sand paper
First Lids
make a large hole as shown below, use the drill to make the hole,
Second Lids
second lids, use the knife to make small hole around the lids,
Two Lids Together
drill three holes around the 2 lids, use the wire to connect the lids together,
Put Together
connect the lids to the electric motor and to the small piece of wood
Yummy Cotton Candy
Heat to melt the sugar and turn it into a liquid
A set of very small holes that the liquid sugar can flow through to form threads of sugar
A spinning head that slings the liquid sugar outward so it is forced through the holes
use a stick to catch the threads
A set of very small holes that the liquid sugar can flow through to form threads of sugar
A spinning head that slings the liquid sugar outward so it is forced through the holes
use a stick to catch the threads