Hammock in 5 Minutes.
this Instructable shows one how to make a fully functional hammock in under 5 minutes with household supplies.
Sheet (twin)
knife (Or anything that cuts)
10 feet of rope.
Sheet (twin)
knife (Or anything that cuts)
10 feet of rope.
Preparing the Sheet
cut the sheet in half lengthwise, or at about 2 1/2 ft from the edge if its not a twin.
Tying the Rope.
cut the rope in half, and tie each piece to the ends of the sheet using the sheet-bend knot. http://www.animatedknots.com/sheetbend/index.php will show you how, if you don't know.
the last step: tie to a tree and relax.
Note- it may look incredibly thin, but it will widen when your in it.
Note- it may look incredibly thin, but it will widen when your in it.