How to Cure a Headache
This instructable will show how to cure a headache in many situations.
Identify Your Resources
If you are young and your parents are home simply ask them if they have any ibuprofen to help your headache. If they are unsure of what it is use the more common name like advil. If they have some continue to step 2. If you don't live with your parents anymore, ibuprofen is usually hidden in the bathroom in the cabinet behind the mirror, under the sink, or in the drawers around it. Also, it can be on the top shelf of a linen closet where blankets, sheets etc. are kept. If you find some go to step 2. If you couldn't find any or don't believe in medication go to step 4. A third situation people are commonly in is being out when a headache strikes for this, go to step 5.
You've Struck Gold!
NOTE: I AM NOT LIABLE FOR ANY OVERDOSE OF MEDICATION BECAUSE YOU MISUNDERSTOOD THIS ARTICLE AND THOUGHT YOU SHOULD TAKE THEM ALL. The next thing you'll need is a glass of water. Now, read the label on the ibuprofen carefully! Find the correct dosage for your size and age. The most likely dosage is 1 or 2. Now take a sip of water, but do not swallow, next drop the pill(s) in and swallow. Now drink the rest of the water because fluids are important to feel better. So fill up the glass again and take slow sips.
Find a Comfy Spot.
You'll need to find a nice cool spot where it can be dark and quiet. I like to choose a bed. Next, turn on the air conditioner or fan and relax. Your headache should subside soon. I find it most comfortable to lie flat on my back to relax most in this situation.
No Ibuprofen
for this you'd need to do almost the same as step 3. So turn off the lights, turn on the air conditioner, drink lots of water, and lie down. It'll be a little more uncomfortable than with ibuprofen and will take longer, so i like to lay down as if sleeping rater that to like flat on my back for step 3.
Out of the House
If you are out of the house with a headache it can be very hard to feel comfortable. One of the best strategies is to find a placeyou call your own like a cubicle, desk, or often visited restaraunt. Then,just rest for a few minutes letting your thoughts drift away, refrain from contact with others for just a few minutes, then get a nice cold drink and return to reality. Even a few minutes can make all the difference in feeling better.