How to Make a Resist Pipe Slingshot

by 35Timmy in Circuits > Assistive Tech

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How to Make a Resist Pipe Slingshot

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intro: slingshots use a elastic to shoot in this article we will show you how to make a reist pipe slingshot hwoever first we must go to the disclaimer:the author who owns and thought of the idea is never reponsible for others than himself
in any way,shape or form, also this is meant for a safe envroment and a reponsible attiude and conduct
just like the code of conduct any thing that is done with this and or happens with this in any way,shape
or form the author claims no reponsiblity any ways and my doctor said i can use resistance exercise so it's okay for me  and good for other people too.

 to make one you will need: a plumbling pipe thats 1 foot long,you also need a box of number 2 pencils with 2 hb for ammo, Resistance band and for tools just scissors and for repair and care we will need alchool hand sanatizer a 59 ml bottle will do  however before we start the author would like to say that he garenntees that normal pencil and colored pencils will both have the same effect
also you should have at least 14 pencils
the good type of wood is ash,pine,maples,spruce,elm,bamboo,hickory,cedar,birch,cherry,oak,mulberry,cocanut,poplar,rosewood,willow and balsum wood which alot of these vary from laws,regulations and population of these trees
it's okay to hunt with this one condishion please no poaching with this slingshot
the resistance bands used is a SPRI ES531R Ultra Toner Medium Resistance or a figure 8 shape medum resistance band if you have to find a exact other name try the nike figure 8 resistance band or a Energetics Figure 8 Fitness Toner which is avalable at sport check
 or if you find a duel medium resiatance then you can make two resist pipe slingshots and remeber to keep in mind that you should have the kind with those big claims of fitness howver there is one problum with the big claims and that is it can be hard to find the one that will get yourself strong because not every resistrance band will get you strong if you really need some help finding it then just ask your gym teacher, your doctor , employee of a fitness store or a fitness gym and ask them what resistance band will get themself strong because not every resistance band will get you strong

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cut the handles off the resistance band then push off the handles if your resistance band has no handles and it's like a loop just cut the loop once after you cut the ball off which is just the gel thing you just cut once then push it out remember there is only a very limited amount of balls per slingshot you also should pull off the grips,

Examples of Cutting

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the image basicly shows the slingshot elastic cutting the reason why you cut is so you can tie the knot
now remeber if it does not shoot out just try again often it's because it was shot wrong so then you gotta retry it that's why it takes peratice in fact it could take a long time now what i would personaly recamend is to always hold onto the grip of the elastic,avoid slipperly stuff,slicks,etc,you should also lubercate the elastic so it does not get too faded out to snap so to prevent it just put it in soapy water or just normal water becuase in the heat can really ware off the elastic remeber to dry it off and when it's hot out it's good to use when it's just done raining,at night where it can have less heat, remeber avoid the scrape marks and uncut parts for safety
another thing please do not cut in a diffreint spot until you are done the other cut and you only need one cut if there is no ball and only 2 if your resistance band has a ball

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tie the resitsance band around the plumbing pipe and  then  make a second knot to leave lthe least space of  so it touches the openning of the plumbing pipe towards the back of the slingshot then secure that knot with another knot then your done then to load just pull the dowel back and then  grab the dowel and pull back and to shoot just let go. if it does not shoot then it's because you ether hit the pipe,if you have not pulled back enough and or if you were not holding onto the plumbling pipe  while holding onto the knot that goes around it and the pipe
if you want to find some pencils go to the link below
the other part of this step do not over pull the elastic while tieing othner wise it will snap and it will hurt a lot not just emotionally but also physicly
your basicly done for your steps of making it however it is extermely advized and recommended that you contunue reading

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now with the parts you have left over you can still use a certain amount of it such as the grips can be used for holding pencils
also just keep in mind that it's better to use something more long than a big lump of a rock like it is in popular culture in fact it is safer,easier and less risky than a long rod shaped projectitle
we also recommend contact info in case of it being found out in the wrong hands so the police and get it back if you are found in the allowed usage and just like the picture above on this step is a image to show what can happen if a trampoline gets hit and why never to shoot a trampoline also this can actually bounce back with the same visable energy as the orginal shot this will depend on the matreial however it can happen thou

Inspection and Repair

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after every trip back from the range, and everyday as well as every time it gets over worm off,overheated,etc,and other then
what you need is the resist pipe slingshot and hand sanitizer what you do is just lubercate and smear,whipe and rub the aloe vara alchool hand sanitizer onto the elastic at least it's better than it snapping at someone and to keep everything nice and germ free
remeber to do it everywhere on the resist pipe slingshot just wait for it to dry off then it's elastic ablitys are retstored and will last longer

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a slingshot like the resist pipe slingshot can give you a healthy person of yourself it can be very good and fit from slingshots so this can get you the strong muscles a person demands mainly men to show there healthy self to inpress and at the same time get a clean bill of health it can even let you gain or lose weight which can make people live longer while having a shooting sport
in fact the author hopes someday it will be a persribed and over counter medical device

First Aid

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the first aid should be stuff like
a anseptic,cotton balls,medical tape,pliers,
so basicly what you do first is disinfect the injury,then soak the cotton ball in the anaseptic, then take off the projectitle,then tape on the cotton ball,then go and see a trainned medical pro and ask for there advice, tell about the whole situation and ask for any recommendations if any of this is not known about what the first aider is giving ask a medical pro like a docter,family docter,etc and if any other parts are not recmmended what the docter says is a good choice,discuse any alergys,be honest, and only acecpt real medical changes and must needs a
Certified permit,must be trainned and is curenntly having the perimit, do not attempt to blow anything into the cut,you may need a vacine,a medical test and or might be added to medical history


now we will talk about safety that was mentioned before however first we must give you some advice of what precituions sghould be made
#1 if the elastic has holes,not completly cut,ripped,worn out, or if it's strength is worm out or faded out of it's strength then replace the resitance band other wise it could snap and whip out at the shooters face which could whip at the eyes and cuase blindeness , and it can be really painfull 
#2 if any knots get lose or unsecured retie the knot
so then it does not whip at the face because if it is not securely tied then it can release and whip at the face and other parts
#3 do not let go of the of the slingshot while pulling on the elastic other wise it can hit the shooter
#4 do not use any real lead in the pencil because if you use real lead it can cuase piosonning
#5 do not over pull the elastic other wise it can snap if it gets over the max campacity
#6 do not lubercate the elastic because it could slip and could ether acadently shoot off at someone or go agenst #3 or both
#7 never pull back the knot that goes around it and make sure it does not go move,never lubercate it,never let it lose and always make sure it is secure other wise it can and will whip back
remember if you cannot get out of the way then stay out of range about 150 feet should be good
because personally the inventior's record of the longest shot is 45 feet
#8 remember" the  slip of the slingshot is the gun" which means be carefull if you use moisturizer and can slip and fall of a shot
#9 do not give this to anyone under the age of 9 years old
#10 be carefull of where you shoot in fact this once the author has actually sharpened a pencil as a bullet and shaked the can and shot the can of pepsi and it sprayed and squirted at the shooter and had to take a shower

Laws and Regulations

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most places have a regulation of a orange tip below is the link
 in britain the law says all sorts of things below is the link
how about canada
other places may possably say about a barrel stopper

also at the time and place where this version was invented it is allowed acording to the law
the other regulations may also order people do add on certain stuff such as a safety sign,