Lightbulb Funk-up!
want to turn a "dead" lightbulb into a neighborhood dazzler? i have finally invented ... the lightbulb sand flower ball!!!
Intro 2
i came up with this idea ... randomly! its funky, fresh, and environmentally safe! lets go!
1 sock
1 light bulb
1 pair of needle nosed plyers
1 knife (dont cut youreself!)
1/4 cup'o salt
sum tin foil...
a lot of sand, sugar, or salt
1 pot
1 fake flower
food coloring, fruits, or shirt(s).
1 light bulb
1 pair of needle nosed plyers
1 knife (dont cut youreself!)
1/4 cup'o salt
sum tin foil...
a lot of sand, sugar, or salt
1 pot
1 fake flower
food coloring, fruits, or shirt(s).
remove the little thin thingy (shown below) by gettin the knife under 1 end and usin those plyers to pull it off (make sure the bulb is in the sock at all times!!!)
Chisel Time
use the screw driver to chisel off the coneish- shaped black stuff on the end of the bulb (be patient, it will come off...).
Powderin Up!
carefully use the chisel to crush up the glass and wires inside it, not the shell! empty them out.
Cleanin, Sorta
put about 2 tbsp of salt in it and swirl the bulb around untill it is clear. empty.
Makin Some Sticky Sand!
put some sand or salt/sugar in a pot of boiling water with food coloring or fruit skin and let it soak up the color.
"funk" Effect and Drying
after boiled, drain of all the water and peels. empty the sand, ect. onto a plate and spread out. if followed correctly, it should look as is below. after wards, allow to dry for 45 min, occationally adding salt.
Bottling Your Funk!
layer your colors inside the bulb in a funky way! i chose yellow and white, metro...!
Funky ,freaky, and Finished!
simply put some tin foil on the tip and put in your flower or flowers!!!