Make Your Own Griper
This is a cheap griper that you can add different types of arms to it.
1-two gearboxes[it wold be better if you use gearboxes like mine]
3-screw driver
5-a piece of plastic[you can use a tongue depressor instead]
6-two wheels
7-tongue depressors
8-hot glue
I said gearboxes preferably like mine because you should remove some parts from them.If you are using gearboxes like mine you should remove half of the gears and get rid of the part which held the gears,otherwise you should put your gearboxes together in a way that the space between them suits you.
After removing the gears heat the knife and cut off the part which held the gears.
Join the gear boxes with a tongue depressor or a piece of plastic.
Add the wheels.
Glue two tongue depressors on the wheel.
Use the solider to punch a hole on the end of both tongue depressors and add the parts you think it would suit your giper the best for peaking up objects,i used two pieces of metal that they were bent.