Make Your Own Pentominoes!!!
what you'll need:
9 x 12 (or lager) piece of card board (or foam board).
clear drying liquid glue (or spray glue)
letter sized paper (8 1/2 x 11)
old news paper
12 colord pencils of diferent colors
craft knife (only if you're using foam board)
quite a bit of skill :D
sand paper
lay down the news paper (for Gluing)
9 x 12 (or lager) piece of card board (or foam board).
clear drying liquid glue (or spray glue)
letter sized paper (8 1/2 x 11)
old news paper
12 colord pencils of diferent colors
craft knife (only if you're using foam board)
quite a bit of skill :D
sand paper
lay down the news paper (for Gluing)
Step 1
print and glue the file to the card/foam board
cut the rectangle out (the perimiter)
cut the rectangle out (the perimiter)
Step 2
glue a blank sheet to back and cut off the extra
Step 3
cut on the other lines and color BOTH sides of each piece.