Simple Lego Two-legged Walker
824 Views, 1 Favorites
Arduino Controlled Toy Car
3.1K Views, 12 Favorites
Arduino Obstacle Avoiding Toy Car
1.5K Views, 1 Favorites
Cement Battery Powered Magbot Pendulum/Joule Thief
5.2K Views, 13 Favorites
Queen Wilhelmina's Light Theremin*
7.0K Views, 47 Favorites
Mr.Philips,a Joule Thief Robot
1.7K Views, 2 Favorites
The Magbot Pendulum
35K Views, 73 Favorites
Wind Tintinnabulator
11K Views, 42 Favorites
The A.L.P.Pummer
3.4K Views, 5 Favorites