Robots and video games...
"Analog" Bicycle Speedometer
13K Views, 101 Favorites
Tic Tac Toe Machine
5.8K Views, 9 Favorites
Easy USB Charger
40K Views, 224 Favorites
Printer From a CD Reader
76K Views, 469 Favorites
Portable Videogame With Led Screen
11K Views, 73 Favorites
Real Life Coin Block
170K Views, 723 Favorites
Robotic Arm Controlled by NES Gamepad
43K Views, 198 Favorites
Portable Led Game System
40K Views, 183 Favorites
Flashlight With No Batteries
77K Views, 215 Favorites
USB Tester
110K Views, 331 Favorites
Rechargable Pocket Sized Amplifier
124K Views, 502 Favorites