artist, leather ninja, tech explorer, ruiner of manicures
‘HYBRID’ VR Data Gloves for Meta Quest + Vive Puck
1.8K Views, 26 Favorites
Sculptural Modular LED Jewellery - Made With Cheap Everyday Materials
2.4K Views, 31 Favorites
3D Printed Stretch Fabric Seams
3.6K Views, 18 Favorites
Making Leather Slippers
11K Views, 65 Favorites
Etextile VR Gloves for Vive Tracker
8.3K Views, 61 Favorites
3D Printing Conductive Snaps With Graphene PLA
4.0K Views, 25 Favorites
DIY Glove Controller With E-Textile Sensors
23K Views, 194 Favorites
Capacitive Wheel Fabric Sensor
9.5K Views, 94 Favorites
Reversible Drape Tshirt With French Seams and Binding
5.5K Views, 94 Favorites
3D Scanning My Hand and Printing the Perfect Glove Mannequin
9.1K Views, 37 Favorites
Growing Crystals on LEDs and ETextiles
16K Views, 176 Favorites
Safety Pin Crocodile Clips for ETextiles
23K Views, 147 Favorites
ETextile Glove With Conductive Fabric
5.1K Views, 42 Favorites
Leather ETextile Breadboard Bracelet and Continuity Tester
5.3K Views, 93 Favorites
ETextiles: Stretch Circuit
5.3K Views, 116 Favorites