Personalized Beach Towels
I got these towels at Ross for less than $10 and decided to make them special by putting each grandchild's name on them.
I took the class at the Tech Shop on using the embroidery machine there. The machine has alphabets preloaded in 3 different fonts, but the letters were all too small for this project. I went on line and purchased a bigger, fun font I thought I would like to use again and again. I down loaded the letters (and numbers) and put them on a thumb drive and then put the thumb drive into the embroidery machine and then (after playing around with it and testing it) I got ready for my project.
I hooped the towels with tear away stabilizer under and water soluble on top. The lettering wasn't delicate so I opted for the heft of the tear away. I used the water soluble on top because towels are a 'loopy' fabric with great opportunity to snag a loop and ruin the whole thing - the stabilizer gives it a smooth surface to glide over.
I made my color selection and let the machine do the work. Now when the grandkids go for swim lessons it'll be obvious which towels are theirs.