@echo off @rem rem 1.1 [denoting screen colors.] color 3C rem 1.2 [denoting title appearing on window.] title Computer Magician! rem 2.1 [Run is only initialized once at the start of the program.] :Run cls echo --------------------------------- echo - Welcome to Computer Magician! - echo - - echo - In this game your computer - echo - will attemp to guess the - echo - number you input. Press enter - echo - to continue to the Menu. - echo - - echo --------------------------------- rem 2.2 [DON NOT USE TABS WHEN CREATING TEXT BOXES, IT WILL CREATE PROBLEMS ON THE OUTER EDGE OF THE BOX.] pause>nul rem 3.1 [Menu is the Main Menu that can be called at any point of the game.] :Menu cls echo. echo Computer Magician! echo ------------------ echo. echo 1. To the game echo 2. How to play echo 3. Credits echo 4. Exit echo. echo Type the number of your choice: set /p UserInput= if %UserInput%==1 goto Game if %UserInput%==2 goto HTP if %UserInput%==3 goto Credits if %UserInput%==4 exit rem 4.1 [Game is the section of code which will contain all the functions which will be required for the game to rem 4.1 function, there will sub "classes" if you will (i'm just starting batch i'm a C++/C# and Java/JS guy).] :Game cls echo. echo Please input a number: set /p UserInput= cls echo. echo Your number was %UserInput% echo. echo Press 1 for me to guess again echo Press 2 to return to the Menu echo Press 3 to exit the Game echo. set /p UserInput= if %UserInput%==1 goto Game if %UserInput%==2 goto Menu if %UserInput%==3 exit rem 5.1 [HTP, stands for how to play, it is the instructions.] :HTP cls echo ------------------------------------------------------- echo - The game is very simple, when select 1 from the menu- echo - you will be promted to input a number. After you - echo - input the number you will recieve a message from - echo - your computer telling you what number you have - echo - entered. Under the message you will be promted to - echo - select another option, answer this question and - echo - either your done, or playing again! - echo ------------------------------------------------------- rem 5.2 [refer to rem 2.2] pause> nul goto Menu rem 6.1 [Credits gives citation to Prof. Pickle and Tetheu98 for the Idea and Hunter Wood for Scripting rem 6.1 and thanks the player for playing.] :Credits cls echo. echo Scripting: Hunter Wood echo. echo Idea: Tetheu98 echo Prof. Pickle echo. echo Thank You for playing Computer Magician! echo. pause>nul goto Menu