@echo off :home title RPG by Numbers! color f cls echo. echo Welcome to RPG By Numbers! To play, simply type the number that represents your decision and press enter. Good luck! echo. echo SELECT A CLASS echo. echo 1) Warrior echo 2) Wizard echo 3) Scrapper echo 4) Gladiator echo 5) Exit RPG echo. set /p web=Type option number if "%web%"=="1" goto warrior if "%web%"=="2" goto wizard if "%web%"=="3" goto scrapper if "%web%"=="4" goto gladiator if "%web%"=="5" exit :warrior cls color c title Warrior Intro cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN WARRIOR. The warrior is a skilled fighter. You start in a bustling city. The kingdom is under seige, and the magistrate has chosen you to complete a quest that may save the kingdom. You must capture the Orc King alive and bring him back to the kingdom for questioning and ransom. You may choose a sword and shield or bow and arrow, what do you choose? echo. echo 1) Sword and Shield echo 2) Bow and Arrow echo 3) Return to Class Selection echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto warrior1 if "%web%"=="2" goto warrior2 if "%web%"=="3" goto home goto warrior :warrior1 title Warrior Path 1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN THE SWORD AND SHIELD. You are now taking the hidden tunnel under the kingdom to infiltrate enemy territory. On your way, you discover a small pack of goblins arguing over gold. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Kill the goblins and take their gold echo 2) Sneak around the goblins and continue your journey echo 3) Ask them if they know where to find the Orc King echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto warrior1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto warrior1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto warrior1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto warrior goto warrior1 :warrior1-1 title Warrior Path 1-1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO KILL THE GOBLINS. You charge, sword swinging and shield ready. Three goblins perish in the initial attack. The others pull daggers. They charge you. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Kill the remaining goblins echo 2) Kill 2 and interrogate the last one echo 3) Run away echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto warrior1-1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto warrior1-1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto warrior1-1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto warrior1 goto warrior1-1 :warrior1-2 title Warrior Path 1-2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO SNEAK AROUND THE GOBLINS. You quietly move to the edge of the cave and tip-toe past the goblins. They continue arguing over the gold, and seem not to notice you. Suddenly, one of the goblins stops and looks in your direction. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Freeze, and hope they don't notice you echo 2) Attack the goblins echo 3) Imitate the goblins and try to get the attention away from you echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option ?if "%web%"=="1" goto warrior1-2-1 ?if "%web%"=="2" goto warrior1-2-2 ?if "%web%"=="3" goto warrior1-2-3 ?if "%web%"=="4" goto warrior1 goto warrior1-2 :warrior1-3 title Warrior Path 1-3 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO TALK TO THE GOBLINS. You walk up to the goblins and clear your throat. They turn around and pull out daggers. You put up your hands, and scream, "Calm down, I just want to talk." They walk towards you slowly. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Scream: "Don't Kill Me!" echo 2) Pull out your sword and shield echo 3) Run away. echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" start Warrior1-3-1.bat & exit if "%web%"=="2" start Warrior1-3-2.bat & exit if "%web%"=="3" start Warrior1-3-3.bat & exit if "%web%"=="4" start Warrior1.bat & exit goto warrior1-3 :warrior2 title Warrior Path 2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN THE BOW AND ARROW. You are now taking the hidden tunnel under the kingdom to infiltrate enemy territory. On your way, you discover a small pack of goblins arguing over gold. You have 20 arrows. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Kill the goblins and take their gold (-6 arrows) echo 2) Fire a flaming arrow, sneak around the goblins and continue your journey (-1 arrow) echo 3) Ask them if they know where to find the Orc King echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto warrior2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto warrior2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto warrior2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto warrior goto warrior2 :warrior2-1 title Warrior Path 2-1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO KILL THE GOBLINS. You step back and draw your first arrow. You aim for the closest goblin, and let your arrow loose. It's high, but thankfully no goblins notice. You draw your second arrow, and it hits your target. The goblins stop bickering and turn toward you. You fire again, taking out a second goblin. You kill two more goblins, and the last two start to run away. What do you do? (-5 arrows) echo. echo 1) Let them go and take their gold (+50 gold) echo 2) Pursue them and kill them echo 3) Pursue and interrogate them echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto warrior2-1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto warrior2-1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto warrior2-1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto warrior goto warrior 2-1 :warrior2-2 title Warrior Path 2-2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO SNEAK AROUND THE GOBLINS. You light one of your arrows on fire, and loose it over the goblins' heads. They start yelling and, being small of mind, chase after the light. You sprint past them, and they do not notice you. You see the light at the end of the cave but then you remember the gold that you left behind. What do you do? (-1 arrow) echo. echo 1) Let them go and take their gold (+50 gold) echo 2) Pursue them and kill them echo 3) Pursue and interrogate them echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto warrior2-2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto warrior2-2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto warrior2-2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto warrior2 goto warrior2-2 :warrior2-3 title Warrior Path 2-3 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO TALK TO THE GOBLINS. You walk up to the goblins and clear your throat. They turn around and pull out daggers. You put up your hands, and scream, "Calm down, I just want to talk." They walk towards you slowly. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Scream: "Don't Kill Me!" echo 2) Pull out your bow and arrow echo 3) Run away. echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto warrior2-3-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto warrior2-3-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto warrior2-3-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto warrior2 goto warrior2-3 :wizard color d title Wizard Intro cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN WIZARD. The wizard is skilled in the arts of magic. You begin as an apprentice to the great wizard Zuorsara. You are at the end of your apprenticeship, and must choose a discipline and complete a quest to prove your worthiness. You may choose offensive fire magic, or defensive aura magic. The quest you must complete is slaying a dragon that dwells in a nearby mountain. echo. echo 1) Fire Magic echo 2) Aura Magic echo 3) Return to Class Selection echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto wizard1 if "%web%"=="2" goto wizard2 if "%web%"=="3" goto home goto wizard :wizard1 title Wizard Path 1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN FIRE MAGIC. You begin you journey toward Dragon Mountain. The road is treacherous, but you feel confident that you will be able to take care of any obstacle with your new fire magic. 2 hours after your journey's start, you encounter a shady figure standing in the middle of the road. He looks to be reaching for a weapon. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Run in the opposite direction echo 2) Attack the shady figure with a burst of flame echo 3) Warn the shady figure that you know fire magic echo 4) Undo last decision. echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto wizard1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto wizard1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto wizard1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto wizard goto wizard1 :wizard1-1 title Wizard Path 1-1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO RUN AWAY. You turn around, and you start running. Ahead of you, another figure steps out of the shadows. He looks just like the other one. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Go into the fetal position, and start to cry echo 2) Throw a fireball at the figure echo 3) Fight both of the figures echo 4) Undo last decision set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto wizard1-1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto wizard1-1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto wizard1-1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto wizard1 goto wizard1-1 :wizard1-2 title Wizard Path 1-2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO ATTACK THE FIGURE. You then see a flash of light, then complete darkness. echo. echo 1) CONTINUE set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto dead goto wizard1-2 :wizard1-3 title Wizard Path 1-3 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO WARN THE FIGURE OF YOUR ULTIMATE POWER. You yell out, "I'm warning you, I am trained in the arts of pyrokinesis and magic. Step out of my way at once!" The man continues and pulls out a scroll. "I have a message from your master," he says. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Take the scroll echo 2) Kill him, then read the scroll echo 3) Ask him questions echo 4) Undo last decision set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto wizard1-3-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto wizard1-3-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto wizard1-3-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto wizard1 goto wizard1-3 :wizard2 title Wizard Path 2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN AURA MAGIC. You begin you journey toward Dragon Mountain. The road is treacherous, but you feel confident that you will be able to withstand any trouble with your new aura magic. 2 hours after your journey's start, you encounter a shady figure standing in the middle of the road. He looks to be reaching for a weapon. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Run in the opposite direction echo 2) Put up a shield and acquire a defensive postition echo 3) Warn the shady figure that you know magic echo 4) Undo last decision. echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto wizard2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto wizard2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto wizard2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto wizard goto wizard2 :wizard2-1 title Wizard Path 2-1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO RUN AWAY. You turn around, and you start running. Ahead of you, another figure steps out of the shadows. He looks just like the other one. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Go into the fetal position, and start to cry echo 2) Put up a shield echo 3) Trap the figure in a force field echo 4) Undo last decision set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto wizard2-1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto wizard2-1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto wizard2-1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto wizard2 goto wizard2-1 :wizard2-2 title Wizard Path 2-2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO USE YOUR AURA MAGIC AND MAKE A SHIELD. The figure simply waves his hand and your shield disappears. You step back and he hands you a scroll. "I have a message from your master," he says. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Read the scrolls contents echo 2) Attack the figure echo 3) Distrustfully run away echo 4) Undo last decision set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto wizard2-2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto wizard2-2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto wizard2-2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto wizard2 goto wizard2-2 :wizard2-3 title Wizard Path 2-3 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO WARN THE FIGURE OF YOUR ULTIMATE POWER. You yell out, "I'm warning you, I am trained in the arts of aura magic. Step out of my way at once!" The man continues and pulls out a scroll. "I have a message from your master," he says. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Take the scroll echo 2) Kill him, then read the scroll echo 3) Ask him questions echo 4) Undo last decision set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto wizard2-3-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto wizard2-3-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto wizard2-3-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto wizard2 goto wizard2-3 :scrapper color b title Scrapper Intro cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN SCRAPPER. Scrappers use quick attacks and stealth to surprise and ambush their enemies. They rob them and take the money for themselves. You are a junior scrapper in the Raven Guild. In order to become a master scrapper, you must complete an initiation task. You and a fellow scrapper named Colin must intercept a shipment of weapons and gold that is going to the kingdom by armored wagon. You have a short sword and mini crossbow, and you may choose to take the dangerous but quicker Mountain Pass, or the safe but long Forest Trail. echo. echo 1) Take the Mountain Pass echo 2) Walk the Forest Trail echo 3) Return to Class Selection echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto scrapper1 if "%web%"=="2" goto scrapper2 if "%web%"=="3" goto home goto scrapper :scrapper1 title Scrapper Path 1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO TAKE THE MOUNTAIN PASS. The journey will be treacherous and hard, but you and Colin are optimistic about the road ahead and fantasize about being a part of the Raven Guild. Colin points to a figure in the distance, and you see a rich man walking down the road below. What do you do? You have 15 arrows. echo. echo 1) Sneak up on the man and steal his money 50%(+50 gold) echo 2) Shoot the man and steal his money (-1 arrow) 75%(+50 gold) echo 3) Continue on the Mountain Pass echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto scrapper1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto scrapper1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto scrapper1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto scrapper goto scrapper1 :scrapper1-1 title Scrapper Path 1-1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO SNEAK UP ON THE MAN. You use your skills to walk up behind him without making a sound. As you stop behind a tree, the man stops, looks around, but keeps walking. He might know that you are there. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Continue sneaking up on him 50%(+50 gold) echo 2) Abandon the job and continue your quest echo 3) Pretend you are walking on the same road 50%(+50 gold) echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto scrapper1-1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto scrapper1-1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto scrapper1-1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto scrapper1 goto scrapper1-1 :scrapper1-2 title Scrapper Path 1-2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN SHOOT THE MAN. You take an arrow from your quiver, and load it into your crossbow. It flies from the weapon and hits the man in the shoulder. He falls over and pulls out a short sword as a last defense. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Run down with your sword and finish him 80%(+50 gold) echo 2) Abandon the job and continue your quest echo 3) Knock him unconscious and steal his money 75%(+50 gold) echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto scrapper1-2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto scrapper1-2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto scrapper1-2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto scrapper1 goto scrapper1-2 :scrapper1-3 title Scrapper Path 1-3 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO CONTINUE YOUR JOURNEY ON THE PASS. You comntinue walking down the path and come across a small village. There are shops lining the street, one of them is a weapon shop. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Walk into the weapon shop echo 2) Ask around for extra quests echo 3) echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto scrapper1-3-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto scrapper1-3-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto scrapper1-3-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto scrapper1 goto scrapper1-3 :scrapper2 title Scrapper Path 2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO WALK THE FOREST PATH. The road ahead will be easy enough to walk, but you may have trouble reaching the shipment in time. You approach some small creatures that seem to be feasting on a corpse. Colin nudges you and tells you that he thinks the creatures might be forest rats. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Shoot the creatures with your crossbow (-3 arrows) echo 2) Sneak around the forest rats echo 3) Try to chase them away. echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto scrapper2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto scrapper2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto scrapper2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto scrapper goto scrapper2 :scrapper2-1 title Scrapper Path 2-1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO SHOOT THE CREATURES. You load one arrow at a time and fire at the forest rats. Each of them hit their mark. The road ahead looks clear, so you keep walking. Eventually you and Colin come across a small cottage. It is getting dark. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Knock on the door echo 2) Make camp further down the road echo 3) Continue in the dark. echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto scrapper2-1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto scrapper2-1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto scrapper2-1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto scrapper2 goto scrapper2-1 :scrapper2-2 title Scrapper Path 2-2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO SNEAK AROUND THE RATS. You delve into the trees to quietly go around the rats. You are far enough in the forest that they don't notice you. However, Colin falls and cries out in pain. You hear the calls of the forest rats coming toward you. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Help Colin up and run as fast as possible echo 2) Abandon Colin and make a run for it echo 3) Fight off the forest rats. echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto scrapper2-2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto scrapper2-2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto scrapper2-2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto scrapper2 goto scrapper2-2 :scrapper2-3 title Scrapper Path 2-3 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO SCARE OFF THE FOREST RATS. You run toward them yelling at them. From behind you, you can hear Colin yelling, "NO! DON'T DO THAT!!!!!" The rats all start running toward you, teeth bared. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Fight them off echo 2) Run back down the path echo 3) Lose them in the trees echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto scrapper2-3-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto scrapper2-3-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto scrapper2-3-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto scrapper2 goto scrapper2-3 :gladiator color 2 title Gladiator Intro cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN GLADIATOR. The gladiator has brute-like strength and uses their strength to intimidate and decimate their enemy. You start in a forest, and you are training for the gladiator competition. Your trainer is impressed with your progress and thinks you have a fighting chance in the competition. You have the choice to enter smaller competitions as training or go on quests. You have a club and gladiator armor. echo. echo 1) Enter Competition Circuit echo 2) Go on Quests echo 3) Return to Class Selection echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto gladiator1 if "%web%"=="2" goto gladiator2 if "%web%"=="3" goto home goto gladiator :gladiator1 title Gladiator Path 1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO ENTER THE COMPETITION CIRCUIT. The path to the Gladiator Competition will not be easy. In order to gain enough experience, you must also defeat other skilled fighters and veteran gladiators. Your first match, set up by your trainer, is against a veteran gladiator named Nevero. He wields a long mace and a small circular shield. He attacks first, attempting to bludgeon you with his mace. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Dodge the attack echo 2) Counter with club echo 3) Strike enemy with club echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto gladiator1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto gladiator1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto gladiator1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto gladiator goto gladiator1 :gladiator1-1 title Gladiator Path 1-1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO DODGE THE ATTACK. You roll out of the way and Nevero's mace misses you by inches. He falls to the ground from his momentum. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Hit him with your club echo 2) Raise your fists like a champion echo 3) Taunt him by kicking him echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto gladiator1-1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto gladiator1-1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto gladiator1-1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto gladiator1 goto gladiator1-1 :gladiator1-2 title Gladiator Path 1-2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO COUNTER WITH YOUR CLUB. You raise your club to block his attack. It came with much more force than you were expecting, and it knocks your club right out of your hand. A sharp pain shoots through your arm. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Dive for your club echo 2) Tackle him with your bare hands echo 3) Surrender and lose echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto gladiator1-2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto gladiator1-2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto gladiator1-2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto gladiator1 goto gladiator1-2 :gladiator1-3 title Gladiator Path 1-3 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO STRIKE NEVERO WITH YOUR CLUB. Before Nevero can hit you with his mace, you lash out with your club. It catches him by surprise and he stumbles away, out of breath. The crowd boos. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Run at him to strike echo 2) Go into a defensive stance and coax an attack echo 3) Try to gain support from the audience echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto gladiator1-3-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto gladiator1-3-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto gladiator1-3-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto gladiator1 goto gladiator1-3 :gladiator2 title Gladiator Path 2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO PERFORM QUESTS. The path to the Gladiator Competition will not be easy. In order to save for new equipment, you must complete a series of quests that will test your skills and knowledge. Your first quest, given by your trainer, is to destroy a nest of wyvern eggs in a cave across Draco Lake that has been giving some of his students trouble. You reach a town along the way full of shady characters. One of them stops you and asks you if you want to make quick money. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Assume malcontent and push him out of your way echo 2) Speak: "What do you want?" echo 3) Pretend you didn't hear him and keep walking echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto gladiator2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto gladiator2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto gladiator2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto gladiator goto gladiator2 :gladiator2-1 title Gladiator Path 2-1 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO PUSH HIM OUT OF YOUR WAY. You extend your arms forcefully, and the man stumbles backward. He mumbles a few words and walks away. You continue walking and reach Draco Lake. You see no way across. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Walk around looking for a boat echo 2) Try to build a raft echo 3) Swim across echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto gladiator2-1-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto gladiator2-1-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto gladiator2-1-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto gladiator2 goto gladiator2-1 :gladiator2-2 title Gladiator Path 2-2 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE ASK HIM WHAT HE WANTS. The man then proceeds to pull out a dagger and try to mug you. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Punch him in the throat echo 2) Pull out your club echo 3) Go back into the crowd echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto gladiator2-2-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto gladiator2-2-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto gladiator2-2-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto gladiator2 goto gladiator2-2 :gladiator2-3 title Gladiator Path 2-3 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO IGNORE THE MAN. You walk by him and look in a different direction. He yells from behind you, "Hey! I was talking to you!" You feel a sharp pain in your back. The man stabbed you. What do you do? echo. echo 1) Play dead echo 2) Fight back echo 3) Run away echo 4) Undo last decision echo. set /p web=Type option if "%web%"=="1" goto gladiator2-3-1 if "%web%"=="2" goto gladiator2-3-2 if "%web%"=="3" goto gladiator2-3-3 if "%web%"=="4" goto gladiator2 goto gladiator2-3 :dead title You Have Lost color 48 cls echo. echo YOU HAVE BEEN DEADIFIED.........SOMEHOW. We all die someday, unless of course, you won. What do you want to do? echo ------ echo I I echo IX XI echo I _ I echo I I echo -------- echo. timeout 3 shutdown -s goto dead goto home