@echo off set /p picktonewfile=Continue? (Y/N) if %picktonewfile%==N goto NEW :Continue set /p playername=name: echo please select how you would like the game to look. help color set /p color=color: color %color% set /p code=Code: if %code%==91345 goto chapter 1 :NEW set /p playername=name: echo please select how you would like the game to look. help color set /p color=color: color %color% :chapter 1 set /a hp=24 cls type chapter1StoryBegin.txt echo ~~~~~~~~~~Chapter 1: prologue~~~~~~~~~~ echo a strange huge blob thingy threatens echo to take the world, a warrior named echo %playername% must echo defeat it before it does so. echo but little did %playername% know echo the epic quest ahead. echo write down this code: 91345 pause cls type village1picascii.txt echo hannah: hello, and welcome to the village! echo %playername%: ok, i'll go upstairs. pause cls type Newvillage2ascii.txt echo %playername%: where is everyone? echo hannah: they are innside. echo %playername%:well, bye. i've got to defeat it. pause cls echo %playername% goes to the nexus. type nexus.txt pause echo and a blob monster appears! echo %playername%: well, here goes... set /a enemy1hp=20 :fight1 set /a enemy1=blob cls type miniblobmonster.txt echo 1=attack echo 2=`heal echo 3=special set /p choiceofturn1=%playername% will if %choiceofturn1%==attack goto attack goto fight1 :attack echo %playername% attacks! echo %Enemy1% takes 10 damage! set /a enemy1hp=%enemy1hp%-10 pause echo %enemy1hp% left! pause if enemy1hp==0 goto win goto fight1 :win cls echo enemy defeated!