​​Seed of Life (Easy) 01) Make a circle ​(Hold down the Ctrl key - ​Drag while holding Left Mouse Button) ​02) Ctrl-C (Copy) ​03) Ctrl-Alt-V (Paste in Place) ​04) Reposition (using the right arrow key on your keyboard) until just touching the edge of ​the first circle ​05) Ctrl-C ​06) Ctrl-V Paste ​07) Rectangle Select the first two circles ​08) Ctrl-G (Group) ​09) Left click Select the lone Circle ​10) Shift left click Select the grouped Circle 11) Align and Distribute - Last Selected ​12) Center Horizontally ​13) Center Vertically ​14) Almost Done ​15) Ctrl-G ​16) Copy and Paste in Place ​17) Transform - Shift-Ctrl-M ​18) Rotate - 120 degrees ​19) Repeat steps 16 - 18 ​20) Path - Combine - Ctrl-K ​21) Done