@echo off title .:saw:. color c set /p start=we start our story in Matt's place of work... set /p 1=Home Depot cls set /p 2=Matt works at Home Depot every monday through friday 9 to 5. set /p 3=matt has a bad habit that very few can break... set /p 4=HE IS ON COCAINE. cls set /p 5=he snorts the stuff 3 to 4 times a day. cls set /p 6=this is not the story this is not even an intro. set /p 7=THIS MIGHT BE THE FIRST AND LAST TIME YOU HEAR FROM MATT. set /p 7a=you are playing the role of matt from this point on cls set /p 8=Matt is stocking shelves as a hooded stranger asks for an item from the back of the store set /p 9=As Matt and hooded stranger reach the back of the store the stranger pulls a baseball bat out and... set /p 10=*CRACK* set /p 11=He swings hard at Matt's head knocking him out. cls set /p 12=As you wakes up you relize you can't move. set /p 13=you look around to your disbelif and finds out you are in a solitary confinement room. set /p 14=No light enters the room. set /p 15=The only light is from the lamp above his head. set /p 16=All that is in the room is the device he is in. set /p 17=no padded walls. set /p 18=no straight jackets set /p 19=NO WAY OUT. cls set /p 20=Hello Matt.i want to play a game set /p 21=Your addiction of cocaine has driven many of your old friends away set /p 22=Your new "friends" supply you with more cocaine every day. set /p 23=You feed your addiction and it consumes you set /p 24=the device you are attached to will start jabbing you with needles when you release you hands set /p 25=the jar on your lap contains super heated lquid cocaine and the key to your freedom set /p 26=the needles contain a mixture of lquid cocaine and anesthetics set /p 27=the higher you get from the cocaine the more numb your body goes set /p 28=live or die matt set /p 29=the choice is yours. cls set /p firstchoice=try to break free?(y/n) if '%firstchoice%'=='yes' goto next if '%firstchoice%'=='no' goto fail1 if not '%firstchoice%'=='yes' goto fail1 if not '%firstchoice%'=='no' goto fail1 :next cls set /p 30=you struggle with all of your might to break free but no luck set /p 31=*click* set /p 32=your hands are free set /p next1=reach for the key?(y/n) if '%next1%'=='yes' goto next2 if '%next1%'=='no' goto fail1 if not '%next1%'=='yes' goto fail1 if not '%next1%'=='no' goto fail1 :next2 cls set /p 33=you reach in to the jar set /p 34=AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! set /p 35=he said it was super heated set /p 36=you did not get the key set /p next11=try again?(y/n) if '%next11%'=='yes' goto next3 if '%next11%'=='no' goto fail1 if not '%next11%'=='yes' goto fail1 if not '%next11%'=='no' goto fail1 :next3 set /p 37=you reach into the jar again. your hand already burnt to a crisp. set /p 38=AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!! set /p 39=you keep your hand in longer and 30 seconds of burning your hand you... set /p 40=get the KEY set /p next12=tunlock the device?(y/n) if '%next12%'=='yes' goto freedom if '%next12%'=='no' goto fail1 if not '%next12%'=='yes' goto fail1 if not '%next12%'=='no' goto fail1 :freedom set /p 41=you look for a lock and to your luck it is in reach set /p 42=the seconds are ticking to an end set /p 43=you jam the key in the lock and turn it set /p 44=*click* the lock opens and you are free set /p 45=you throw your self out of the chair just in time the needles slammed into the chair were you just were just sitting cls set /p 46=*creak* set /p 47=you hear a door open set /p 48=you look at the wall behind the chair to see the open door set /p 49=you leave the room and you see your friend in the next room cls set /p 50=hello issac. i want to play a game. set /p 51=you used to touch little girls and rob them of their selves. set /p 52=the device on you hands will crush them if the code is not on the dials in front of you. set /p 53=your so called friend holds the code set /p 54=only he can set you free set /p 55=live or die issac set /p 56=the choice is yours cls set /p 57=Matt is that you set /p 58=yea Issac set /p 59=what is the code to get out of here set /p 60=i don't know set /p 61=find a mirror to look at yourself. find the code. hurry. cls set /p next13=look for the code?(y/n) if '%next13%'=='yes' goto freedom2 if '%next13%'=='no' goto fail2 if not '%next13%'=='yes' goto fail2 if not '%next13%'=='no' goto fail2 :freedom2 cls set /p 62=you walk at the mirror and you look for a few minutes untill... set /p 63=THE CODE set /p 64=what is the code set /p 65=the code is 43110 set /p 66=*click click click click click* set /p 67=im free thanks matt set /p 68=whatever i just want to get out of this place cls set /p 69=you see the door between you and issac open and you continue down the hallway set /p 70=you open the door to see... set /p 71=JIGSAW set /p 72=congratulations you two set /p 73=you made it out set /p 74=one final decesion needs to be made set /p 75=you can leave or... set /p 76=you can stay and help me cls set /p finaldecesion=leave,stay,or revenge?(y/n) if '%finaldecesion%'=='leave' goto freedom3 if '%finaldecesion%'=='stay' goto stay if '%finaldecesion%'=='revenge' goto fail3 if not '%finaldecesion%'=='leave' goto fail3 if not '%finaldecesion%'=='stay' goto fail3 if not '%finaldecesion%'=='revenge' goto fail3 cls :freedom3 set /p 77=you two decide to leave and go home set /p 78=that was a living hell set /p 79=i know. i almost had my hands crushed from my body. exit :stay set /p 80=you decide to stay but issac left you behind for freedom set /p 81=good i have a new assitant set /p 82=aw hell no jigsaw i will never help you set /p 83=i see... set /p 84=i will never help you and will not kill any one set /p 85=you have no choice. either help me or die set /p 86=fine what is first set /p 87=sit down matt. set /p 88=huh. ok. whatever set /p 89=close your eyes. set /p 90=ok set /p 91=this will not hurt much set /p 92=he sews your lips shut and gives you a disquise set /p 93=THE PIG MAN set /p 94=you help him as the pig man for years before you are killed by one of his "test subjects" exit :fail1 cls set /p 95=*click* set /p 96=you were to slow escaping the chair set /p 97=the needles jab you in your arms legs neck and spine set /p 98=you slip into a coma and die goto next :fail2 cls set /p 99=fuck you issac i will not help you set /p 100= the device crushes issac's arms set /p 101=he bleeds to death in front of you set /p 102=you did not escape the room set /p 103=you should have saved him goto freedom :fail3 set /p 104=you are dead jigsaw set /p 105=YOU ARE DEAD set /p 106=you run after jigsaw and run into a trap... set /p 107=20x shotgun door set /p 108=*KKKKKKAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM* set /p 109=you are dead and your friend escapes without you. goto freedom2