var params = define(); main(); function main() { // main function, kicks off the functions params['sky'].onload = run; params['sky'].src = 'bg-sun-01.jpg'; } function define() { // defines the context in the canvas, gradient and sky returned as an object var context = document.getElementById('sky-canvas').getContext('2d'), grad = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, context.canvas.height), sky = new Image(); // add colours grad.addColorStop(0, '#F4E9BE'); grad.addColorStop(0.75, '#F4E9BE'); grad.addColorStop(1, '#E5AF67'); context.shadowColor = '#ffffff'; return {context: context, grad: grad, sky: sky} } function run() { // runs the main functions and main loop var context = params['context']; var grad = params['grad']; var sky = params['sky']; // init position vars var arc_centre = context.canvas.width * 0.8, arc_bottom = context.canvas.height * 1.1, //+ 15, vert_radius = context.canvas.height * 0.8, //* 0.8, horit_radius = context.canvas.width * 0.5; //* 0.50; var time = getRealTime(); // gets real time from function var timeMoon = (getRealTime() + 12.0) % 24.00; var sunrise = 7; // default, but will obtain from Yahoo Weather API var sunset = 18; // default, but will obtain from Yahoo Weather API mainloop(); function mainloop() { // main loop that creates the animation // var time = getDemoTime(); // var angleSun = getAngle(time); // var horitSun = arc_centre + horit_radius * Math.cos(angleSun); // var vertSun = arc_bottom + vert_radius * Math.sin(angleSun); // // var timeMoon = (getDemoTimeMoon() + 12) % 23.60; // var angleMoon = getAngle(timeMoon); // var horitMoon = arc_centre + horit_radius * Math.cos(angleMoon); // var vertMoon = arc_bottom + vert_radius * Math.sin(angleMoon); var time = getRealTime(); var angleSun = getAngle(time + 12); var horitSun = arc_centre + horit_radius * Math.cos(angleSun); var vertSun = arc_bottom + vert_radius * Math.sin(angleSun); var timeMoon = (getRealTime() + 12.0) % 24.00; var angleMoon = Math.PI * timeMoon; var horitMoon = arc_centre + horit_radius * Math.cos(angleMoon); var vertMoon = arc_bottom + vert_radius * Math.sin(angleMoon); generateSky((time + 14) % 24); upldateSunLocation(horitSun, vertSun); upldateMoonLocation(horitMoon, vertMoon); requestAnimationFrame(mainloop); setInterval(function() { window.location.reload(); }, 5000); } function getRealTime() { // returns real time as a number var date = new Date(); return Number(date.getHours() + '.' + Math.round(date.getMinutes()*1.66)); } function getDemoTime() { // returns a demo time that passes fast time += 0.033; if (time > 23.59) time = 0; return (time - sunrise) / (sunset - sunrise); } function getDemoTimeMoon() { // returns a demo time that passes fast timeMoon += 0.033; if (timeMoon > 23.59) timeMoon = 0; return (timeMoon - sunrise) / (sunset - sunrise); } function getAngle(time) { // returns angle for sun position return Math.PI + Math.PI * time; } function generateSky(time) { // generates the background time = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, time)); context.drawImage(sky, (60 + (sky.width - 120) * time), 0, 1, sky.height, 0, 0, context.canvas.width, context.canvas.height); } function upldateSunLocation(h, v) { var img = document.getElementById('sun'); = 3 * h + "px"; = 4.5 * v + "px"; // document.getElementById('body').appendChild(img); } function upldateMoonLocation(h, v) { var img = document.getElementById('moon'); = 3 * h + "px"; = 4.5 * v + "px"; // document.getElementById('body').appendChild(img); } }