Rail Road Stake Knifes
this is a hobby of mine that i just started ok go to your local rail road and get as many rail road stakes as you can carry
Getting the Stuff You Need
as stated before go to your local rail road and get as many rail road stakes as u can carry or as many as you want to start off with the equipment youll need is a dremel (rotary tool) or a bench grinder, for the dremel youll need a sharpening wheel and a grinding wheel. you'll also need a pair of gloves(preferably leather gloves or mabey even thermal gloves), a pair of pliers and a roll of wire and (or) a roll of leather.( i used some copper i got out of a computer that i tore apart the copper gives it a nice finish) me and my brother got 20-30 rail road stakes and ive only made two so far and i messed up on one.
Getting Ready
the firdt thing you need to do is get your dremel or your bench press ready for grinding with a dremel you'll have to make sure that the grinding wheel is on tightly. with a bench grinder you wana make sure that its down nice and tight that way you can push the metal hard against it and not have it tip over.
Making the First Grinds
what you want to do is grind the opposite side that you want to have the blade on down to 1/2 an in. wide on the side of the blade you grind it down to 1/16 of an in. or whenever the rail road stake has a sharp edge to it
Sharpening the Knife
when you want to sharpen the rail road stake you might want to use the dremel if you have one they work the best all you do is put the sharpening wheel at the angle that you want the blade at and keep sharpening the blade till you are satisfied.
Wraping Your Knife
if you do want to wrap your knife wat you wana do is take the wire or leather witch ever one your gonna use (i prefer the copper wire it just looks cool) and wrap it around half way and stick the wire straight out 1/2 an inch and wrap over the 1/2 inch and keep rapping untl you have a bot 1/2 an inch left and tuck it under the wire thats already wraped.
Finishing Up
wat you need to do is use your grinding wheel and or sanding disk an make the blade level