Trash to Treasure 2
I find a LOT of fans on the curb, a large number simply need to be cleaned to work, others may need a screw or some creative thinking. Sorry for the lack of step by step pics, the idea hit me and was finished before I even thought of pictures
The Light Bulb Flashed
I picked up this small pedestal fan the other night, I plugged it in and it worked fine but it was missing 2 feet, then I noticed a base for an office chair I had rescued a while ago and it looked to me like the base would fit the hole
It Fit
a couple of twists removed the fan and its pole from the broken base, the base then went right through the hole in the chair base, I marked it where it stopped and cut the fan base, added some hot glue for security and shoved it home. A little more hot glue filled the space (about an 1/8") around the top and then reattached the fan pole.
What you find may need other simple repairs or may end up back on the scrap pile
What you find may need other simple repairs or may end up back on the scrap pile
Box Fan
I found this box fan the same night, it was dirty and didn't have any screws for one side, a quick cleaning and a scrounge through my parts box and viola...
I guess it depends on how you define treasure but on a 90f+ day 2 fans sure came in handy, I kept them from a landfill for a while longer and best of all kept $ ? in my pocket...
Your experiences may vary depending on what you find
I guess it depends on how you define treasure but on a 90f+ day 2 fans sure came in handy, I kept them from a landfill for a while longer and best of all kept $ ? in my pocket...
Your experiences may vary depending on what you find