Vbs Net Send Messenger
Here is the instructible on how to make a Net Send Messenger using Visual Basic Script (vbs).
I used vbs instead of batch because i don't like to use batch. Batch is too simple.
Just to let you know, this is my first instructible. I hope you like it!
Comment if you want!
I used vbs instead of batch because i don't like to use batch. Batch is too simple.
Just to let you know, this is my first instructible. I hope you like it!
Comment if you want!
Step 1... Writing the Script
Open NotePad and copy and paste this code into Notepad.
Dim x
Dim y
set oShell = createobject("wscript.shell")
x = InputBox("Enter User or IP","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92")
y = InputBox("Enter Messege","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92")
oshell.run "net send "& (x) &" "& (y) &""
Dim x
Dim y
set oShell = createobject("wscript.shell")
x = InputBox("Enter User or IP","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92")
y = InputBox("Enter Messege","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92")
oshell.run "net send "& (x) &" "& (y) &""
Step 2... Interpretation of Script
Dim x = declaring variables
Dim y = declaring variables
set oShell = createobject("wscript.shell") = calls and makes the object
x = InputBox("Enter User or IP","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92") = asks you for username or IP.
y = InputBox("Enter Messege","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92") = Enter messege
oshell.run "net send "& (x) &" "& (y) &"" = starts net send and inputs the username/ IP and messege into the program. Then it sends it.
Dim y = declaring variables
set oShell = createobject("wscript.shell") = calls and makes the object
x = InputBox("Enter User or IP","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92") = asks you for username or IP.
y = InputBox("Enter Messege","Net Send Messenger.. script by Cavingboy92") = Enter messege
oshell.run "net send "& (x) &" "& (y) &"" = starts net send and inputs the username/ IP and messege into the program. Then it sends it.
Step 3...Saving the Script and Testing Messenger
Once you have the script copied and pasted into NotePad, you have to save it.
Save the scripting as Messenger.vbs
*Once you have done that test it out.
If you have any problems, suggestions,or questions, send me a message.
Save the scripting as Messenger.vbs
*Once you have done that test it out.
If you have any problems, suggestions,or questions, send me a message.