Zombie Doctor Who
docotor who zombie costume
old tweed jacket
white shirt
bow tie
home made blood
plastic brain & head band
plastic heart
sonic screwdriver
old tweed jacket
white shirt
bow tie
home made blood
plastic brain & head band
plastic heart
sonic screwdriver
first get the plastc brain and make two slits in and feed the headband through,
then once on head spike the hair round it so the band is hidden, then add the fake blood
blood is made with golden syrup, red food colouring and cornflour
mix to a blood like consistancy then dribble over the need parts
then once on head spike the hair round it so the band is hidden, then add the fake blood
blood is made with golden syrup, red food colouring and cornflour
mix to a blood like consistancy then dribble over the need parts
get the plastic heart, we got ours from a pound shop and sew a piece of red fabric to one end then sew the other end to the chest part of the white shirt, once its in place and you have the shirt on dribble over some of the fake blood to make it look like your heart is hanging out, then put the jacket on
finally paint the face pale and add some of the fake blood to face and hands etc to create the flesh eating zombie look get yor sonic screwdriver and you are now a zombie doctor who